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Review: The Greatest Zombie Movie Ever by Jeff Strand

Title: The Greatest Zombie Movie Ever

Author: Jeff Strand

Series: Standalone

Publication: March 1st, 2016

Genres: Humor, Contemporary

Summary: The Greatest Zombie Movie Ever is so bad, it could wake the dead… After producing three horror films that went mostly ignored on YouTube, Justin and his filmmaking buddies decide it's time to make something epic. In fact, they're going to make The Greatest Zombie Movie Ever. They may not have money or a script, but they have passion. And, after a rash text message, they also have the beautiful Alicia Howtz as the lead. Hemmed in by a one-month timeline and a cast of uncooperative extras, but aching to fulfill Alicia's dreams, Justin must face the sad, sad truth: he may, in actuality, be producing The Worst Zombie Movie Ever.

I wasn't sure what I was expecting when I started reading The Greatest Zombie Movie Ever. It is quite a short book. I expected it to be funny, and it is even more so. The humor in the novel is of a silly sort. The characters are mainly high school freshmen with the goal of making a zombie movie (the greatest one in the history of zombie movies of course) in a month with basically no budget. My quick summary of the book should hint how disastrous the situation three main boys end up in. Justin, Bobby, and Gabe were all naive and sometimes illogical--especially the "director," Justin. However naive they were, they were hilarious and determined, especially together. Their personalities clash even though they're best friends. They cause so much damage together, and just by reading what happens in the book makes me cringe from embarrassment and awkwardness.

Justin, Bobby, and Gabe are all very intricate, quirky characters. With bad writing, they could have ended up with the same personality, but this was not the case. Each guy has a different type of quirky. I think they're all weird, hahaha, but for this type of book, it was perfect and so hilarious how each person coped with the movie-making process.

Is this book a masterpiece? No. Is it a piece of art? No. Is this book fun and enjoyable? Yes! It is always a good time when a book can make me laugh, or at least smile. That's why I recommend reading The Greatest Zombie Movie Ever if you want to read about how the worst zombie movie was made!

*I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

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