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Reader Recommendations: Romantic Fantasy Edition

Don't you just hate how difficult it is to find a book that resembles a previous book that you loved?

You just finished a fabulous new book and you just can't stop thinking about it. You reread quotes, pages, and in some cases the entire book, because you're an addict getting your fix with each read. You search above and beyond to find another book to hold you over, but the struggle is difficult. Here are some book recommendations to help those who just can't wait for the next installment in a series, but refuse to quit. To be honest, if you liked one of these selections, then you'll probably like all the other books listed as well. You'll certainly have your hands full. Stay Strong!



The strategic underlay in these stories are similar to each other. Kestrel in The Winner's Curse uses her intelligence to develop strategies for various purposes, which is similar to Kaz in the Six of Crows and his special way of thinking.



If you like one, you're pretty much guaranteed to like the other. But don’t let that fool you, these 2 are completely different stories. Both protagonists are bound to evil and powerful men they hate, but during their time there they learn that things aren't what they appear to be.



There's a desert, a gradually-built romance, and a personal vendetta against a cruel, yet powerful dynasty that abuses their power.


If you have any suggestions, comment them below! With each book, we can help those in need of another fix (*guilty*).

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